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Couverture de The Ends of Things

The Ends of Things

De : Sandra Chwialkowska
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    A propulsive literary debut, The Ends of Things is a thrilling suspense perfect for fans of You Shouldn’t Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose and The White Lotus.

    She thought she had the perfect life … until she met a stranger in paradise.

    Laura Phillips always wanted to travel the world but was too afraid to go it alone. So when her new boyfriend, Dave, invites her on a romantic getaway to the remote island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas, she jumps at the chance.

    As soon as they arrive at the Pink Sands resort, Laura and Dave are handed cocktails garnished with umbrellas and led to a luxurious suite. It’s a lovers’ paradise. But when they head down to the pristine beach, Laura notices an oddity among the sunbathing couples: a woman vacationing alone. Intrigued, Laura befriends the woman, Diana, and as they spend time together, Laura finds herself telling Diana secrets she’s never shared with anyone.

    But when Diana unexpectedly disappears, Laura suddenly realizes how little she knows about this mysterious woman.

    The police suspect Diana may be in danger, and soon Laura herself becomes embroiled in the investigation. Her worries swiftly turn into obsession: Who is Diana? Where did she go? Is she dead? Murdered? As Laura races to find out what happened—and prove her own innocence—she quickly realizes that nothing in this sun-soaked paradise is what it seems, and it’s impossible to know who she can trust. What started out as a dream getaway is turning into a terrifying nightmare …

    ©2025 Sandra Chwialkowska (P)2025 Blackstone Publishing

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