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Couverture de The Enchanted Journey of Remembering with Grandpa

The Enchanted Journey of Remembering with Grandpa

De : Fernando Jackson
Lu par : Benjamin Powell
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    Along with Meredith and her grandfather Charlie, you'll go on a moving journey in "The Enchanted Journey of Remembering with Grandpa" as they face the difficulties of dementia. Meredith and her dear grandpa Charlie are the protagonists of this touching story, which chronicles their shared history of happy recollections and emotional moments of understanding and love.

    Throughout the novel, Meredith goes through a series of confusing and painful experiences as she learns that her grandfather's memory is deteriorating. Meredith learns to cope with the challenges of living with Alzheimer's disease through compassionate interactions and the love and encouragement of her family.

    For young listeners, "The Enchanted Journey of Remembering with Grandpa" provides a gentle introduction to Alzheimer's illness through sympathetic narrative. Meredith and her brother Toby learn the value of love, tolerance, and understanding as they set out on a mission to keep their grandpa's memories alive.

    This moving narrative is a great resource for families trying to understand and deal with the impacts of Alzheimer's disease, which affects approximately 6 million people over the age of 60. Additionally, it gives 9–12-year-olds a chance to learn about Alzheimer’s and how it affects those they care about, which is a great way to foster empathy and compassion.

    Along the path of love, perseverance, and the everlasting link between grandmother and grandchild, Meredith and Grandpa Charlie invite you to accompany them. No matter your age, "The Enchanted Journey of Remembering with Grandpa" and its message of the value of savoring the present and creating lifelong memories will touch you.

    An inspiring and reassuring tale that highlights the power of love and connection through thick and thin, this book is an essential part of any family's library.

    ©2024 Fernando Jackson (P)2024 Fernando Jackson
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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