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Couverture de The Emotions of My Motions

The Emotions of My Motions

De : Tamir Kira, Andriana Lubina, Yuval Rapaport
Lu par : Josh S.
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    From thumb to pinky, discover the amazing power of expressing ourselves with our hands!

    Young children often struggle to regulate their feelings, and one of the main reasons is that they find it difficult to express themselves.

    This book teaches them that the best tools they have to convey their emotions are literally right at their fingertips! What does it mean when we raise our thumbs up high in the air? How can we use our pinky to communicate how we are feeling?

    The Emotions of My Motions uses everyday language and relatable situations to show young readers the different emotions that each of their fingers represents and how to use them best. Kids will learn to acknowledge their feelings, discuss them, and express them to the fullest – with the simple trick of understanding the emotions of their motions.

    ©2023 Tamir Kira (P)2023 Tamir Kira

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