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  • The Emma Peterson Saga

  • An Inspirational Western Trilogy
  • De : Linda Chism
  • Lu par : Linda Chism
  • Durée : 8 h et 30 min

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Couverture de The Emma Peterson Saga

The Emma Peterson Saga

De : Linda Chism
Lu par : Linda Chism
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    Orphaned in Missouri. Abandoned in Utah. Branded a traitor in California.

    That Gentile Girl – Left the sole survivor of a killing spree, Emma Peterson sets off for a new life far from her family’s Missouri farm. But her dangerous journey westward brings her directly into the path of three dangerous predators. When she discovers the last of the murderers on a wagon train bound for California, she concocts an elaborate plan for revenge. But will her vengeful scheme cost the young girl the ultimate price?

    A Test of Faith – Left to fend for herself and the three young children whose lives depend on her, Emma battles voracious grasshoppers, starvation, and renegade Indians in frontier Utah. But when her husband returns far different from the man who left, the young bride is left with an uncertain future. Can she once again find her own way against the backdrop of Utah’s darkest days?

    San Bernardino Bound – Hoping for a better life, Emma and her children move west to California. Quickly embroiled in a web of intrigue and murder, Emma must choose between her love for a smooth-talking Southerner and keeping herself off the gallows. But spying for both sides at the cusp of the American Civil War could cost Emma her own life in the bargain. Can the young mother survive the consequences of her choices?

    Love a tale of courage and resilience against all the dangers of the Wild West?

    ©2021,2022 Linda Chism (P)2024 Linda Chism

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