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Couverture de The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

De : Maurice Doreal
Lu par : Jeffrey Ito
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    Unlock the ancient wisdom of a lost civilization with this profound exploration into the secrets of the universe. Journey through time to discover the teachings of Thoth, the legendary priest-king of Atlantis, whose immortal words offer insights into cosmic balance, spiritual enlightenment, and the mysteries of existence.

    With a masterful translation that brings these enigmatic texts to life, you'll delve into knowledge etched in imperishable emerald, uncovering truths that resonate across the ages. This book is not just a collection of ancient writings; it's a transformative guide for seekers of wisdom, lovers of mystic lore, and anyone curious about the profound truths of the past.

    Let the wisdom of the ancients illuminate your path and inspire your journey towards enlightenment.

    This edition includes the complete set of the Emerald Tablets, each one a treasure trove of esoteric knowledge:

    • Tablet I: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean
    • Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti
    • Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom
    • Tablet IV: The Space Born
    • Tablet V: The Dweller of Unal
    • Tablet VI: The Key of Magic
    • Tablet VII: The Seven Lords
    • Tablet VIII: The Key of Mystery
    • Tablet IX: The Key of Freedom of Space
    • Tablet X: The Key of Time
    • Tablet XI: The Key to Above and Below
    • Tablet XII: The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy
    • Tablet XIII: The Keys of Life and Death
    • Supplementary Tablet XIV
    • Supplementary Tablet XV - Secret of Secrets
    ©2024 Maurice Doreal (P)2024 Maurice Doreal

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