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Couverture de The Elijah Invitation

The Elijah Invitation

De : Adam F. Thompson
Lu par : David Kingham
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    Through Bible prophesy and by following the markers of world events, Adam F. Thompson convincingly describes what will take place in the next 30 years. The interaction between Islam and high technology - particularly in the field of artificial intelligence - is shown to be the platform for Antichrist to deceive and exercise control over the human race.

    Extensive Scripture references and descriptions of spiritual encounters give insight into the body of Christ rising up in the spirit and power of Elijah, walking as Jesus did to change the spiritual atmosphere and ushering in the greatest wave of evangelism ever seen.

    The Elijah Invitation is one of the most empowering audiobooks you will ever hear.

    ©2019 Adam F. Thompson (P)2020 Adam F. Thompson

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