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Couverture de The Echo Room

The Echo Room

De : Parker Peevyhouse
Lu par : Matt Godfrey
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    Parker Peevyhouse's The Echo Room is a smart, claustrophobic, speculative young-adult thriller with an immersive, psychological mystery.

    The only thing worse than being locked in is facing what you locked out.

    Rett Ward knows how to hide. He's had six years of practice at Walling Home, the state-run boarding school where he learned how to keep his head down to survive. But when Rett wakes up locked in a small depot with no memory of how he got there, he can't hide. Not from the stranger in the next room, nor from the fact there's someone else’s blood on his jumpsuit.

    Worse, every time he tries to escape, he wakes up right back where he started. Same day, same stranger, same bloodstained jumpsuit.

    As memories start to surface, Rett realizes the logo on the walls is familiar, the stranger isn't a stranger, and the blood on his jumpsuit belongs to someone - or something - banging on the door to get in.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2018 Parker Peevyhouse (P)2018 Macmillan Audio


    The Maze Runner meets Memento in this clever, engrossing sci-fi mystery!” (New York Times best-selling author Jeanne Ryan)

    The Echo Room is just brilliant. Incandescent writing, wonderful characters, and a plot full of twists and blinding turns. Peevyhouse is a master storyteller.” (New York Times best-selling author Brittany Cavallaro)

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