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The Earth Citizen's Guide to Co-Creating the Greatest and Highest Good

De : Dane Starland
Lu par : Duane Stjernholm
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As Earth citizens, we have many tools to help us co-create the greatest and highest good for all of Earth's citizens.

This audiobook provides a detailed clarification of many of these available tools, including the Harmonic and Co-Creative Power of Lenergy (the Real Energy of Love), The Exclamation of Love (ExLo) Mark and sign, the vibration-raising benefits of prayer and meditation, the United Earth Ecclesia Earth Citizen Covenant (UEEECC, pronounced You Ease Seas), and the unprecedented platform that will be provided by the soon-to-be unveiled UEE website for Poll-itical Networking for Collective Consensus.

From the founding member phase to the enduring evolution of the website, this book explores the real world-changing possibilities of co-creative evolution by those of us who wish to be instrumental contributors in producing a more positive future for our collective home, Planet Earth.

©2015 Duane Stjernholm (P)2015 Duane Stjernholm
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