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  • The E-Myth Seminar

  • Taking Charge of Your Business and Your Life
  • De : Michael E. Gerber
  • Lu par : Michael E. Gerber
  • Durée : 5 h et 16 min
  • 4,3 out of 5 stars (3 notations)

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Couverture de The E-Myth Seminar

The E-Myth Seminar

De : Michael E. Gerber
Lu par : Michael E. Gerber
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    Eighty percent of all businesses fail in their first five years! 

    When you are facing down those kind of odds, you'd better know exactly what you are doing before you take the plunge. Success lies in the system! Gerber knows that for a business to be prosperous it must function like a powerful machine. The type of business is irrelevant - a precise system of dynamic interplay between the connected parts should be in place. The well-planned system will, once started, chug along continually and predictably, transporting you to the better life of which you've only dreamed. After all, your business should make it possible for you to do whatever you wish, whenever you wish, while continuing to produce exceptional results... without you! That is your fundamental goal - dispensability! Gerber will:  

    • Show you the Three Essential Components of Business Development: Innovation, Quantification, and Orchestration. 
    • Teach you the important questions to ask in order to nurture an extraordinary business. 
    • Reveal the five skills vital to the entrepreneur - Discrimination, Concentration, Organization, Innovation, and Communication. 

    Gerber's refined techniques for entrepreneurs enumerate how to successfully build a business that will soar in both booming and sagging economic markets, learn to focus on the results, not the work, and to see your business as your product. You'll also hear Gerber's 7 Steps of Business Development: 

    • Development of Your Primary Aim 
    • Development of Your Business Picture 
    • Organizational Development 
    • Management Development 
    • People Development 
    • Marketing Development 
    • Systems Development 

    Accelerated Learning Techniques tells you how. 

    Based on Nobel Prize-winning research, the cutting-edge methods revealed here can make a dramatic difference to you and your family, virtually guaranteeing success at work and school. For this is the ideal learning program, enabling you to identify and use your own unique way of learning, unleashing the power of your whole brain. And as a result, you'll gain skills that put you in the top 1% of people in our society. 

    Listen as Accelerated Learning Techniques teaches you: 

    • Seventeen memory methods and principles. 
    • Seven different intelligences and how to discover which is your personal strength. 
    • Five keys to rapid adult learning. 
    • Six stages of effective learning. 
    • Seven success characteristics and how to make them work for you. 
    ©1995 Michael Gerber (P)1995 Nightingale Conant

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The E-Myth Seminar

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    Bien mieux que le livre

    Ceci n’est pas un livre mais un enregistrement de Michael Gerber en séminaire de deux jours de formation de dirigeants (petites entreprises). Les temps d’exercices sont coupés, on n’a que les interventions du gourou.
    C’est un très bon moment, dû à la fois au fond - passionnant - et au style de l’orateur : Michael Gerber est un vrai tribun qui manie l’humour à la perfection.
    J’ai ensuite acheté le livre associé et j’ai été assez déçu ; cela délaye le propos sans le compléter. La meilleure option c’est donc cette version.

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