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Couverture de The Dudes: Dudes Dystopia

The Dudes: Dudes Dystopia

De : Tyler Reynolds, Emily Kay Johnson
Lu par : Mark Sanderlin
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    Tweens triumph over the pandemic: Another hilarious adventure with the Dudes! Enjoy this series in any order. For boys 8-14.

    Snowballing screen time? Sweatpants proliferation? Zoom-bombing grandparents? Sherwood Heights has all the signs of a true dystopia. Luckily, the Dudes are ready to fill the power vacuum. See how the Dudes take on: Family-style Forest Bathing, Suburban Tsunami, Diwali Inferno, and The Ultimate Alien Conspiracy!

    During a global emergency, the Dudes brave both sanitizer shortage and detergent deluge. They tackle the challenges of socially distanced pest control, remote-controlled church, and, worst of all: Mandatory Family Game Night! (Aaaagh!).

    Follow these 5 best friends through spine-tingling thrills like Jayden’s unearthly encounter and the mayor’s dog-napping debacle! Along the way, they’ll create trick-or-treat contraptions, dupe their dads, and prank Teresa (of course). And they’ll do it in the funniest way possible. That’s how they roll!

    Family-friendly laugh-out-loud neighborhood adventures to play anywhere in digital audio format. Voice actor, Mark Sanderlin, delivers the laughs with snarky charm.

    The Dudes are a diverse group of preteen boys with awesome ideas for IRL action. These five best friends find clever ways to entertain themselves and bring mayhem to their suburban neighborhood. Not even a global pandemic can stop them!

    Filled with wholesome boy fun like: battles, corny jokes, rat-catching, treehouses, pranks, secret codes, and Halloween thrills!

    Praise for (series starter) Save the Dudes:

    "With one priceless, laugh-out-loud scenario after another, the mother and son team of Johnson and Reynolds delivers...

    "Hilarious comic mayhem, rounded out by affection and insight." --Kirkus Reviews

    Classic humor without movie tie-ins or fart jokes! This series will NOT provoke serious discussions on controversial topics!

    Funny, backyard adventures!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Emily Kay Johnson (P)2024 Emily Kay Johnson

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