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Couverture de The Drift

The Drift

De : Casie Aufenthie
Lu par : Laura Horowitz
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    In a future where the human race has split into three species, the mentally evolved Illuminatos have conquered the other two in a brutal Evolutionary War. Now, the seven most powerful Illuminatos, the Council, control the Earth, ruling over the other two human species through violent oppression.

    As one of the defeated physically evolved Corporis, Samara lost everything: her family, her freedom, and her will to fight. But when her master, Lord Wyatt Faraday, commands her to find the mysterious leader of the Resistance, Tristan, everything she thought she knew is challenged.

    Tristan is an Illuminatos who has turned his back on his own kind to follow his principles. An idealist hoping to restore peace and equality for all species, he cannot escape his past, and it may force him to make a terrible choice.

    Their meeting will change the world, but will it be for the better?

    ©2021 Casie Aufenthie (P)2022 Casie Aufenthie


    "Not only masterfully penned with a natural and addictive flow to the story, but also socially commentative, wildly unpredictable, and undeniably entertaining." (Self-Publishing Review)

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