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Couverture de The Dressmaker's Secret

The Dressmaker's Secret

De : Karen Dickson
Lu par : Jess Nesling
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    Perfect for fans of Dilly Court and Gracie Hart, The Dressmaker’s Secret is a moving and heartfelt family saga from the talented author of The Shop Girl’s Soldier.

    Dorset, 1876. When young Beatrice Cullen shows up in the local church with her illegitimate child in her arms, Reverend Michael Redfern takes it upon himself to help her.

    He finds her daughter, Lily, a home with a kindly couple. But when, at the age of 9, Lily loses her adopted parents, she is forced to live with her awful Aunt Doris and cousin Jez, who treat her no better than a slave. Lily can only seek solace in her dream of one day escaping her aunt and becoming a seamstress.

    Five years later, now aged 14, Lily makes a startling discovery: that her birth father is none other than local aristocrat Sir Frederick Copperfield. Lily is stunned. And when she gets the chance to work for the Copperfields, she can't pass up the opportunity to get to know her half-sister Eleanor.

    But will Eleanor ever really get to know her, or will Lily’s true identity forever remain a secret?

    ©2021 Karen Dickson (P)2021 Simon & Schuster UK


    "A compelling saga that will hold you fast from the first page to the last. Loved it." (Val Wood, author of The Lonely Wife)

    "This roller coaster of a novel draws you in from the first page. Expertly researched and a fabulous storyline with real heart at the centre.... I devoured this in one sitting and look forward to more from this author. In short a gem of a read." (Fiona Ford, author of Wartime at Liberty's)

    "A delight to read...Lily Hayter is a wonderful heroine whose resilience and integrity shine through as she struggles to claim a life of her choosing and find a family. At the heart of the story is a warmth and humanity that makes it a truly uplifting read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was sorry when I reached the end because I wanted to linger in Dickson’s world. I eagerly await more from Karen Dickson." (Vicki Beeby, author of The Ops Room Girls)

    "The characters in this novel are so believable that I cared deeply about them from the first chapter. A heartfelt, hopeful account of one young woman’s fight to keep her child safe when all the odds are against her. Atmospheric and beautifully written." (Jan Casey, author of The Women of Waterloo Bridge)

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