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  • The Dos & Don'ts of Parenting Adult Kids

  • Practical Ways to Keep Your Relationship Healthy and Long Lasting, Even When Challenges Arise
  • De : Ann Marie Sorenson
  • Lu par : Nancy Higgins
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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The Dos & Don'ts of Parenting Adult Kids

De : Ann Marie Sorenson
Lu par : Nancy Higgins
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    No matter how old your child is, you’ll always be their parent. Discover how you can sustain your relationship even when you’re no longer under the same roof.

    If you thought parenting was hard, wait till your kids grow up.

    The older your kids get, the more complicated your relationship becomes.

    While conflicts used to revolve around bedtime and homework when they were little, things get a little more serious when they become adults.

    Now you’re fighting about their choice of partner, their parenting decisions, or their finances.

    Before you could simply send them to their room or ground them, but now they can choose to just leave and not call you for months on end.

    Having once had such a significant role in your child’s life, you now feel like you’re just a tiny often-forgotten part of it.

    But no matter what happens, you still want to be part of your child’s life. But in order for this to happen in a peaceful and harmonious way, things need to change.

    Obviously, you can’t have the same kind of relationship you once had, but you can have a much richer and more meaningful one.

    This guide will show you how to navigate this new chapter of your parent-child relationship so you and your adult child can deepen your bond, resolve your issues, and heal from past wounds.

    Inside, you will discover:

    • How your role as a parent will change now that your child is an adult–and how this could be good for your relationship.
    • How your “help” might be harming your child–and how to actually be of real help to them.

    Why you need to let go of your adult kid and why it can be so hard to do–plus 10 ways to stop clinging to your baby and let your fully grown adult kid fly.

    • Why boundaries are even more important when dealing with adult children, and how to maintain them in tricky situations.
    • How to bridge the generation gap and find the positives in your differences.
    • How to shift from a parent-child dynamic to one of mentorship and friendship.
    • The three-step system to repairing an estranged relationship with your adult child, and four things you should never do when reaching out to them.

    And much more.

    When you’ve been in a position of authority for so long, it can be hard to give that up.

    But it’s important to remember that they’ve grown into their own person now, and that’s what you’ve worked so hard for their whole lives.

    You and your child aren’t getting any younger. Don’t waste any more time stuck in a power struggle, in a fight, or at an impasse.

    Grow, evolve, and welcome the shift in your dynamic. This stage of your relationship will be the best one yet!

    ©2023 Ann Marie Sorenson (P)2023 Ann Marie Sorenson

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