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Couverture de The Doors of Eden

The Doors of Eden

De : Adrian Tchaikovsky
Lu par : Sophie Aldred
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    They thought we were safe. They were wrong.

    Lee and Mal went looking for monsters on Bodmin Moor four years ago, and only Lee came back. She thought she’d lost Mal forever, now miraculously returned. But what happened that day on the moors? And where has Mal been all this time? Mal's reappearance hasn’t gone unnoticed by MI5 either, and their officers have questions.

    Julian Sabreur is investigating an attack on top physicist Kay Amal Khan. This leads Julian to clash with agents of an unknown power – and they may or may not be human. His only clue is grainy footage, showing a woman who supposedly died on Bodmin Moor.

    Dr Khan’s research was theoretical. Then she found cracks between our world and parallel Earths. Now these cracks are widening, revealing extraordinary creatures. And as the doors come crashing open, anything could come through . . .

    Adrian Tchaikovsky brought us far-future adventure with Children of Time. Now The Doors of Eden takes us from Bodmin Moor to London and alternate versions of earth. This is an extraordinary feat of the imagination and a great adventure.

    'Inventive, funny and engrossing, this book lingers long after you close it' - Tade Thompson, Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author of

    ©2020 Macmillan Publishers International Ltd (P)2020 Macmillan Publishers International Ltd


    Full of sparking, speculative invention . . . The Doors of Eden is a terrific timeslip / lost world romp in the grand tradition of Turtledove, Hoyle, even Conan Doyle. If you liked Primeval, read this book (Stephen Baxter, author of The Thousand Earths)
    What a ride . . . talks like big-brained science fiction and runs like a fleet-footed political thriller (John Scalzi, author of Starter Villain)
    With The Doors of Eden, Tchaikovsky has created a fantastic and highly imaginative new genre: evolution SF (Peter F. Hamilton, author of Salvation and The Reality Dysfunction)
    Unlike anything I've read in a very long time, and all the better for it . . . Tchaikovsky is clearly at the top of his game right now (James Oswald, author of the Inspector McLean novels)
    As all right thinking people know, Adrian is the best . . . But this, my friends, is the best of the best (Ian McDonald, author of Luna)
    Tchaikovsky’s world-building is some of the best in modern sci-fi and now he has made an enchanting multiverse of parallel Earths (New Scientist)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Doors of Eden

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