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The Doctrine of Good Works

De : Thomas H. McCall, Caleb T. Friedeman, Matt Friedeman
Lu par : Kyle Tait
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In Titus, Paul says Christ redeemed a people "zealous for good works." Despite this declaration and others like it, the doctrine of good works has fallen on hard times in contemporary Protestant theology and practice. At best, it's neglected—as in most systematic theologies and in too much church teaching. At worst, it's viewed with suspicion—as a threat to salvation by grace alone through faith alone.

In this important work addressing a significant gap in current theological literature, the authors argue that by jettisoning a doctrine of good works, the contemporary church contradicts historical Protestantism and, more importantly, biblical teaching. They combine their areas of expertise—exegesis, systematic and historical theology, and practical theology—to help listeners recover and embrace a positive doctrine of good works. They survey historical Protestant teaching to show the importance of the doctrine to our forebears, engage the scriptural testimony on the role of good works, formulate a theology of salvation and good works, and explore pastoral applications.

©2023 Thomas H. McCall, Caleb T. Friedeman, and Matt T. Friedeman (P)2023 eChristian
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