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  • The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun

  • A Mayan Tale of Ecstasy, Time, and Finding One's True Form
  • De : Martín Prechtel
  • Lu par : Martín Prechtel
  • Durée : 5 h et 13 min

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Couverture de The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun

The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun

De : Martín Prechtel
Lu par : Martín Prechtel
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    Author and illustrator Martín Prechtel is internationally known for his explorations of ancient folklore and uncovering the lessons therein for modern readers and listeners. In The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun, he revives a hitherto unknown Guatemalan Tzutujil Mayan tale of the beginnings of the world with a poetic retelling of the story and a critical analysis that both enlightens and entertains.

    Having lived with the Mayans and learned their language, Prechtel authoritatively retells the powerful tale of the Tall Girl who weaves the world in a loom, her parents the Sun and the Moon who repudiate her suitors, and the mysterious man who disguises himself as a hummingbird to lure her away. Prechtel expands this archetypal story with five layers of commentary, each teasing out a different wisdom and revealing its relevance to the world today.

    ©2013 Martín Prechtel (P)2021 North Atlantic Books


    "Magical yet profoundly political, The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun returns us to our indigenous beginnings, reconnecting us to our original human form. In these genetically engineered times, nothing could be more revolutionary." (Michael Brownstein, author of World on Fire)

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