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Couverture de The Diary of a Black Railroad Pioneer

The Diary of a Black Railroad Pioneer

De : Jennette Spencer
Lu par : Tasha Guevara
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    The Diary of a Black Railroad Pioneer shares the exceptional journey of Jennette Spencer, the first African American woman Signal Maintainer (Engineer Department) in the United States, a profession historically governed by men yet boldly dominated by a determined female pioneer. Spencer’s insightful diary details her unique voyage through life, from her painful struggles within the four walls of her family’s two-room home in Southside Chicago, to the exceptional triumphs inside and outside the classroom, to the extreme pits and peaks of her life on railroads across America. Jennette’s life on the tracks was perpetually scrutinized, as she was constantly undermined by her male counterparts, yet among the name-calling, workplace sabotage, and routine physical threats, Jennette emerged as the first “queen” of the railroad. However, her battle was never a straight path to victory. From suicide attempts to enduring multiple acts of assault, to battling addictions, her will to not only survive but thrive inspires listeners from all walks of life to do more, learn more, and love more, no matter what. In a profession that failed to support an unprecedented trailblazer, Jennette serves as a prime example of independence and resilience, thus encouraging the masses to elevate, respects, and support others, regardless of gender and skin color.

    In The Diary of a Black Railroad Pioneer, Spencer’s impact on the countless railroad workers she encountered is immeasurable, yet her mission is to reach the masses through her story of perseverance and dedication illustrates a life unlike any other.

    ©2019 Jennette Spencer (P)2023 Jennette Spencer

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