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  • The Dementia Caregiver’s Toolkit

  • An Easy Guide to Manage Daily Tasks, Gain Clarity on Dementia Progression, and Ensure the Caregiver’s Emotional and Physical Well-Being
  • De : Tina E. Bradley
  • Lu par : Brennan Koenigsreuter
  • Durée : 4 h et 25 min

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The Dementia Caregiver’s Toolkit

De : Tina E. Bradley
Lu par : Brennan Koenigsreuter
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    When the journey of caregiving begins, and the road ahead feels too rugged to walk alone, this book will be your gentle guide and friend, lighting the path and sharing the load.

    Stepping into the role of a caregiver for someone with dementia is like setting sail into uncharted waters.

    Each day, you may find yourself juggling tasks, from managing medications to navigating mood swings.

    Consider this book as a companion born from the experiences of many, speaking to you through words filled with understanding and practical wisdom.

    You will discover:

    • A treasure trove of practical tips to turn daily caregiving tasks from daunting to doable, complete with checklists to make organization a breeze and personal stories that make the heart feel lighter
    • The keys to decoding the mysteries of dementia progression, presented in clear, compassionate language that makes complex medical knowledge accessible and actionable for anyone.
    • Self-care strategies that are more than just a good idea they're a roadmap to keeping your own well-being front and center
    • Straightforward advice on budgeting, insurance, and government benefits
    • How to keep your own social flame burning bright
    • Insights into legal planning with a practical approach to wills and directives that ensures your peace of mind
    • Compassionate wisdom on the journey's end, with guidance on palliative care options and emotional support to help find closure and strength

    And much more.

    This toolkit is tailored to uplift, educate, and empower you as you walk alongside your loved one.

    Don't let another day pass feeling adrift in the storm. Turn the page to a new chapter of compassion, understanding, and practical help. Click "Add to Cart."

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Tina E Bradley (P)2024 Tina E Bradley

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