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  • The Dementia Caregiver's Club

  • Surviving the Club You Never Asked to Join, A Beginner's Guide to Caregiving, Includes Practical Tools for Understanding, Coping, and Supporting with Empathy
  • De : Avery Malcolm
  • Lu par : Martha H. Weller
  • Durée : 4 h et 2 min

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Couverture de The Dementia Caregiver's Club

The Dementia Caregiver's Club

De : Avery Malcolm
Lu par : Martha H. Weller
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    Write a happier ending for your loved one with dementia with this empoweringand supportive dementia-care approach.

    Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of dementia care?

    You might not be able to wave a magic wand and make the problem go away, but you canmake this time easier, more joyful, and more peaceful for everyone.

    From decoding forgetfulness to managing daily routines, this practical guide offers valuablestrategies and compassionate advice for navigating the complexities of dementia caregiving. Equal parts empathy and practicality, it gives you the tools to cope with the demands ofcaring for a loved one with dementia.

    In this practical and realistic book, you will discover:

    • The early signs to look out for, how you can be certain of a diagnosis, and how tohandle the unwanted news
    • The tools to create a happy, safe, and comforting environment for both you and yourloved one with dementia
    • How dementia progresses, the challenges can you expect at each stage, and how you can best prepare for them
    • Creative solutions for locating misplaced items, and keeping some calm and orderin the chaos
    • Compassionate insights into the range of emotions experienced and practical strategiesto help you navigate and process these feelings effectively
    • The secrets to managing long-term care while still maintaining a sense of self amidst the whirlwind
    • The most common challenges that often accompany dementia with offeringpractical solutions for each one
    • Expert guidance and actionable steps from a supportive community of professionals andcarers

    Give your loved one the loving care they deserve, while taking care of yourself along the way.

    ©2023 Bethany Maloney (P)2023 Bethany Maloney

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