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Couverture de The Definitive Guide to Understanding Karens Patriarchy and Other Modalities of Oppressions

The Definitive Guide to Understanding Karens Patriarchy and Other Modalities of Oppressions

De : Dr. Chris Hershey, Dr. Karen Barbee
Lu par : Matthew Polly
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    The Definitive Guide to Understanding Karens Patriarchy and Other Modalities of Oppression, is a groundbreaking book that is absolutely one of its kind. For the first time, "Karen", who symbolizes a White female who publicly polices and oppresses Black people and other people of color, is viewed through the lens of not an individual misbehaving, but an actual model of oppression towards People of Color, and writ large People of the Global Majority (PGM), a collective term to identify people racialized as "ethnic minorities". In this book, Karen is finally described in a way that helps the listener understand their history and impact starting with slavery and the large role they continue to play in oppressing BIPOC today. The authors not only educate you on this modality of oppression and how it compares to others but also show you how to move towards a place of healing and unity as a human race.

    ©2022 Dr. Christopher Hershey and Dr. Karen Barbee (P)2022 Dr. Christopher Hershey and Dr. Karen Barbee

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