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Couverture de The Dead Man in the Garden

The Dead Man in the Garden

De : Marthe Jocelyn, Isabelle Follath
Lu par : Sarah English
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    For young detective Aggie Morton and friend Hector, a spa stay becomes a lot more thrilling when two dead bodies are found in this third book in the Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen series, inspired by the life of Agatha Christie as a child and her most popular creation, Hercule Poirot. For fans of Enola Holmes.

    Aspiring writer Aggie Morton is ready to enjoy an invigorating trip to a Yorkshire spa, where her widowed mother can take the waters and recover from a long mourning period. Having solved yet another murder and faced extreme peril with her best friend, Hector, over Christmas, Aggie’s Morbid Preoccupation is on alert when rumors abound about the spa's recently deceased former patient...and then another body appears under mysterious circumstances. Together with Grannie Jane, and often in the company of George, a young patient at the spa, Aggie and Hector take a closer look at the guests and staff of the Wellspring Hotel, and venture into the intriguing world of the local undertaker. Has there been a murder - or even two? As Aggie and Hector ignite their deductive skills, their restful trip takes a sudden, dangerous turn.

    ©2021 Marthe Jocelyn and Isabelle Follath (P)2021 Tundra Books


    One of CBC Books' 35 Canadian Middle-Grade Books to Watch Out For, 2021

    "Aggie is a great introduction to the 'real' Agatha Christie." CM: Canadian Review of Materials

    "This is a cleverly written mystery, and the way the young detectives discuss the clues and their suspicions is a perfect model of problem-solving techniques. . . . A fun read for mystery lovers of all ages." —Historical Novel Society

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