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Couverture de The Days Between

The Days Between

De : Robin Morris
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    In a South Florida beach town, a chance meeting unravels a web of secrets in this gripping novel about the consequences of lying to protect the ones we love.

    Andrew Williams’s perfect Delray Beach house has become a pressure cooker. He and his wife, Amy, are struggling to conceive, and it’s fracturing their marriage. When a chance encounter reunites him with Kathryn Moretti, the former love of his life, Kathryn confesses that Andrew is already a father—of a son he didn’t know existed. Though Kathryn’s deception sends him reeling, their secret meetings quickly rekindle old obsessions.

    Behind Kathryn’s manicured facade is a life of constant damage control. She tries desperately to protect her son, Max, from her past mistakes—and his own dangerous impulses. She can’t let anyone get too close, especially a local cop to whom she owes a favor. And her home has become a refuge for Emmy, the troubled daughter of an old friend who has her own reasons to distrust Kathryn. With Andrew back in the picture, Kathryn can no longer contain all her lies.

    As their reunion sends ripples through their lives, Andrew and Kathryn must face their destructive past and figure out if it’s worth risking the futures of everyone they love to hold on to what might have been.

    ©2024 Robin Morris (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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