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  • The Darkness Before Them

  • Soulfire Saga, Book 1
  • De : Matthew Ward
  • Lu par : Sara Novak
  • Durée : 18 h et 36 min

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The Darkness Before Them

De : Matthew Ward
Lu par : Sara Novak
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    'The Darkness Before Them brims with magic, monsters and intrigue, and the depth of the world is wonderfully, enthrallingly complex . . . a delight' Ben Galley


    These are dark times for the Kingdom of Khalad. As the magical mists of the Veil devour the land, the populace struggles beneath the rule of ruthless noble houses and their uncaring immortal king.

    Kat doesn't care about any of that. A talented thief, she's pursuing one big score that will settle the debt that destroyed her family. No easy feat in a realm where indentured spirits hold vigil over every vault and treasure room. However, Kat has a unique gift: she can speak to those spirits, and even command them. She'll need every advantage she can get.

    Kat's not a hero. She just wants to be free. To have her old life back. But as rebellion rekindles and the war for Khalad's future begins, everyone - Kat included - will have to pick a side.

    Set in a world of ancient myth and dangerous magic, The Darkness Before Them begins a heart-pounding adventure where a thief dares to seek vengeance - and finds herself on the path to war.

    'Full of action, heart, betrayal, and set in a dark, engaging world, this book continues Ward's ability to deliver doorstopper dark fantasy that you just can't put down' Grimdark Magazine

    Books by Matthew Ward:

    The Soulfire Saga
    The Darkness Before Them
    The Fire Within Them

    The Legacy trilogy
    Legacy of Ash
    Legacy of Steel
    Legacy of Light

    ©2023 Matthew Ward (P)2023 Hachette Audio UK

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