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Couverture de The Dark Unicorn

The Dark Unicorn

De : N. Jane Quackenbush
Lu par : Alan Turton
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    My Dearest Word Wooer,

    Look no further.

    You have chosen well!

    What lies before you is a book full of wonder and excitement!

    May I present to you the incredible, one of a kind, steampunk portal fantasy, The Dark Unicorn, book one in the Neverwood series praised as, "Narnia, Wonderland, and Oz, all wrapped up in a future Lemony Snickit-ish laugh out loud classic.”

    Here's what you'll discover....

    The Mulberry Mansion harbors more than one peculiar mystery. Vintage circus freak decor, oddly decorated bed chambers, and sensational sandwiches are just the beginning of the phenomena. Deep within the attic, 12-year-old Cloette and her brother, Rocco, discover a twisted glowing blanket fort magically hovering, luring them to enter. From within, they uncover the "Ticklish Tome", an enchanted ticklish book that sucks them away into the eerie realm of Neverwood.

    The remarkable land is under an unusual incantation from the wildly wicked Wretched Harridan and is in need of help only the siblings can provide. But the reluctant heroes doubt their abilities to help against such a devilish fearsome foe. With their one chance to break the spell quickly approaching, the race against time is quickly vanishing.

    Will Cloette and Rocco discover their own powers in order to save the enchanted realm of Neverwood?

    Can they rescue Prism, the most magical dark unicorn in existence?

    Will they have any hope of ever returning home?

    Will they taste sensational sandwiches ever again?

    Get The Dark Unicorn today.

    ©2021 Nancy Jane Quackenbush Sinatsch (P)2023 Nancy Jane Quackenbush Sinatsch
    • Série : Neverwood, Volume 1
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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