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Couverture de The Dark Oak Chronicles Omnibus: The Complete Trilogy

The Dark Oak Chronicles Omnibus: The Complete Trilogy

De : Jacob Sannox
Lu par : Nigel Peever
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    The Dark Oak Chronicles - The Complete Trilogy
    Please check out the individual book pages for reviews!

    Dark Oak - An SPFBO 2018 semi-finalist

    Humanity has finally defeated the Dark Lord, but Morrick fought on the wrong side.
    Though he was a slave, he is branded a traitor and must earn the trust of new lords in order to return to his family - if they are still alive.
    Now that their common enemy is dead, the nobles begin to forget old loyalties, and Queen Cathryn’s realm looks set to plunge into war once more. But there are older and more terrible powers dwelling within the forest, and when they are awakened, Morrick will decide who lives or dies.

    Age of the Dryad
    The Dryads have risen up against humanity. Queen Cathryn’s realm is broken, her people have scattered, and the future is uncertain.
    She gives Tolucan, a newly knighted commoner, a seemingly impossible, secret quest; to seek out the sole weakness of Dark Oak, King of the Dryads, and to destroy him, whatever the cost.
    Even within the forest, strife threatens Dark Oak’s reign, but he will not be defeated so easily. While humanity is still on its knees, the Dryad seeks dark secrets, in forgotten places, unaware that Sir Tolucan, humanity’s last remaining hope, is hunting him . . .
    Jacob Sannox welcomes you to the Age of the Dryad.

    The Devising
    After all of the victories and the losses, with fortresses toppled and armies broken, a once united human realm has been shattered; its people scattered within unending forests.
    Dark Oak, former King of the Dryads, stands ready to unleash his forces against not only humanity, but also the Dryads, the Sylphs, Oreads and Naiads; all humans reborn as the spirits of the world itself.
    Sir Tolucan sets out on the final leg of his quest to bring down the relentless Dark Oak, who commands a terrifying horde, armed with weapons that can kill even the Immortals.
    Can Morrick the woodcutter find redemption in the final days of the greatest war that the world will ever see? What will become of his wife, Rowan, and their children?
    Jacob Sannox invites you to take up arms and to stand with the Immortals, as the battle to save not only humanity, but the cycle of life and death itself, begins ...

    ©2024 Alan O'Donoghue (P)2024 Alan O'Donoghue

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