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The Dangerous Book for Granddads

De : J. C. Jeremy Hobson
Lu par : Matt Scarsbrook
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As American author and comedy writer Gene Perret once wrote: "Granddads are there to help the grandchildren get into mischief they haven't thought of yet! Some of the activities, antics (and mischief!) that today's grandparents used to get up to in their childhood seem somehow to have missed a generation, and there are youngsters out there who may never have made a bow and arrow, flown a kite, or gone pond dipping."

The Dangerous Book for Granddads is full of ideas based on:

  • Pastimes enjoyed when you were a child
  • Skills that you and the grandchildren can learn together
  • Activities where the grandchildren can teach you a thing or two

Full of practical advice. Not only will you be reminded of your childhood escapades, this book will hopefully give inspiration, stimulation, and possibly also cause perspiration as a result of some of the more strenuous suggestions!

©2022 J. C. Jeremy Hobson (P)2022 J. C. Jeremy Hobson
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