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Couverture de The Dagger and the Forbidden Heir

The Dagger and the Forbidden Heir

De : Emilia Jae
Lu par : Amanda Dolan, Corvin King
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    Can they survive the truth of their war? Can their hearts?

    A century ago, an exchange was proposed: a life saved for a war of revenge.

    Captain Lia Solus of the fae army, and the secret bastard daughter of the king, is reminded of those consequences daily. Unable to claim her heritage or her throne, she's powerless to stop the innocent bloodshed that her birth ushered in.

    On the other side of the lines, Commander Jace Cadoria gladly fights the war of his ancestors to slaughter the fae who have terrorized the humans of their realm for generations. With a cunning plan to trap them, the end could finally be in sight. Except it quickly spirals out of control, leaving Lia and Jace, enemies of opposite sides, stranded together in a dangerous terrain.

    Engaged in an intimate battle of their own, both warring to take control, they'll need their wits now more than ever to survive. Because this fight could cost their lives—and their hearts.

    Throne of Glass meets House of the Dragon in The Forbidden Heir Trilogy, a fun and chaotic new take on fantasy, featuring enemies-to-lovers, modernized banter, dragons, heartache, adventure, and dark sorcery that grows throughout the series. This is told from multiple first-person POVs, including the villains, and is a character-driven romantic fantasy. The story will be enjoyed by lovers of Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Carissa Broadbent. For mature listeners.

    ©2023 Emilia Jae (P)2024 Podium Audio

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