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Couverture de The Cunning Man

The Cunning Man

De : Christopher G. Nuttall
Lu par : Matthew Lloyd Davies, Saskia Maarleveld
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    Adam of Beneficence wanted to be a magician, and even undertook a magical apprenticeship, but there isn’t a single spark of magic in his entire body.

    In desperation, his master arranged for him to study at Heart’s Eye University, a former school of magic that has become a university, a place where magicians and mundanes can work to combine their talents and forge the future together.

    But all is not well at Heart’s Eye. The magical and mundane apprentices resent and fear each other, the teaching staff is unsure how to shape the university and, outside, powerful forces are gathering to snuff out the future before it can take shape. As Adam starts his new apprenticeship, and stumbles across a secret that could reshape the world, he finds himself drawn into a deadly plot that could destroy the university and leave Lady Emily’s legacy in flaming ruins.

    Featuring Schooled in Magic narrator, Saskia Maarleveld, in the opening prologue.

    ©2022 Christopher G. Nuttall (P)2022 Podium Audio

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