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  • The Crucifixion Code

  • The Truth About Why Jesus Was Crucified and Why It Became the Most Impactful Event in Human History (The Meaning of Life)
  • De : Ren Lexander
  • Lu par : Ren Lexander
  • Durée : 6 h et 46 min

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The Crucifixion Code

De : Ren Lexander
Lu par : Ren Lexander
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    The electrifying sequel to The Jesus Code!

    The greatest story ever told becomes greater still!

    Two thousand years ago, a former construction worker wanders around the back streets of a third-rate country in the Roman Empire. For a couple of years, he preaches in obscure parables. He never writes anything down. He has a handful of close disciples—all of whom run away when he is arrested. He dies in ignominious agony, nailed to a cross as a criminal. That should be the end of that sad tale.

    Two thousand years later, the posthumous influence of Jesus encircles the globe. History is demarcated from before and after his birth. How could this happen?

    You will learn:

    • Why Jesus abruptly abandoned his mission of preaching the kingdom of God
    • Why he set his face to Jerusalem with the specific intention of being crucified there
    • The truth about Judas
    • How there was a moment on the cross that became, far and away, the most impactful moment in human history
    • The real nature of the “resurrection” of Jesus
    • How the teachings of Jesus got muddled by people who had never even heard him preach
    • And much much more!

    Prepare for a revelation.

    ©2022 Ren Lexander (P)2022 Ren Lexander

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