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Couverture de The Creepy Factor, Vol. 2

The Creepy Factor, Vol. 2

De : Steve Hudgins
Lu par : Steve Hudgins
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    THE CREEPY CLOWN OF FULTON – For decades, a creepy clown has been terrifying the small town of Fulton.

    ALONE AT A REST STOP – A young woman makes a disturbing discovery at a desolate rest stop.

    I WORK AT AN INSANE ASYLUM – A man’s first day at work takes a horrifying turn.

    A HITCHHIKER’S SCARIEST RIDE – A seasoned hitchhiker recounts her scariest ride.

    I WAS INSIDE AREA 51 – After an unusual encounter, a hotel worker finds himself inside the most top secret military installation in the world.

    WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST – She’s all alone in a secluded home when she is startled by the chilling emergency broadcast message.

    WHAT’S BEHING THE SECRET DOOR? – A man finds a hidden door in his newly acquired house. What he finds behind it is shocking!

    MY LITTLE BOY SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME – A single mother grows increasingly frightened of her young son’s erratic behavior.

    These and many other short scary horror stories await you!I am here to satisfy all of your horror anthology needs!

    ©2024 Steve Hudgins (P)2024 Steve Hudgins


    "Hudgins is a Horror-Meister to reckon with!" VICTOR MILLER - Writer of Friday the 13th20 Terrifying Tales told in a true story style that will give you the creeps!

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