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Couverture de The Covert Code

The Covert Code

De : Anna Covert
Lu par : Melissa Medina
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    High-impact strategies to equip every business owner to reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

    How do you navigate the digital media landscape? What does your customer need from your website, and does your platform deliver? Which technology choices match your budget and your unique needs? Do your digital ads actually work?

    In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, understanding the answers to these questions can mean the difference between success or failure. As the founder of Covert Communication, Hawaii’s largest digital marketing firm, Anna Covert has worked with hundreds of businesses, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, equipping them with the tools and strategies to create opportunities and connect with the customers they want to reach. With this book, she shares the clear solutions she’s designed to help you take back control of your digital media strategy and ensure that you’re optimizing your investment at every step.

    You’ll learn:

    the insider rules for optimizing your digital media, how to create a smart, strategic budget for online marketing, when and how to leverage search marketing, where remarketing will deliver optimal value, …and much more.

    This is the book that will empower you to decode the digital marketing landscape and seize every opportunity to connect with the customers you need to reach.

    ©2024 Anna Covert (P)2024 Anna Covert

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