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  • The Courage to Share

  • Escaping a Cult, Finding Voice, Building Community
  • De : Ben Crawford
  • Lu par : Ben Crawford
  • Durée : 6 h et 20 min

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The Courage to Share

De : Ben Crawford
Lu par : Ben Crawford
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    This audiobook contains 90 minutes of BONUS Behind the Scenes interviews with the author and his wife Kami Crawford

    A love story that will inspire your relationships, career, and art.

    Part memoir, part masterclass, bestselling author Ben Crawford's journey is about breaking free from fear, ineffective communication, and shallow relationships entrenched within religious communities. Excommunicated and starting anew without a community or belief system, he shares lessons from his transition, bidding farewell to old friends, forging new connections, and rebuilding relationships with his wife and children. Crawford's journey transcends mere relationship transformation; it shapes his perspective on his artistic calling and professional skill set, leading to remarkable growth and success in both realms. "The Courage to Share" inspires those feeling trapped in dead-end roles, offering guidance to unleash true potential, find freedom, and deepen meaningful relationships.

    In The Courage to Share you will hear detail and stories of how Crawford transformed a dormant blog with 2 readers into a YouTube channel with 50k subscribers and 16 million views, turned the skeletons in his closet into a career, cultivated a passionate, romantic relationship and maintained a vibrant sex life, attracted devoted super-fans who shared similar values, and much more!

    Audio engineering by Nathan Phinney

    ©2024 Ben Crawford (P)2024 Ben Crawford

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