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Couverture de The Cosmic Lens

The Cosmic Lens

De : Michiel Doorn, Birgit Viertlböck
Lu par : Michella Moss
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    Seven steps to handling uncertainty with grace and co-creating a livable 21st century.

    Many people feel anxious about today’s barrage of alarming events (COVID, economy, inflation, supply chain risk, cultural, political, climate disruption, resource scarcities, war, etc.). Older people are wondering what world they are leaving behind for their (grand) children. While younger folks are anxious and worried about the future and diminishing possibilities to live a full life on a vibrant planet.

    We wrote this book because we believe there is a better way to really help people out of anxiety and hopelessness fast so they can live with grace and joy and work on a truly thriveable 21st century.

    A radically different approach must begin with learning how to see the big picture of what is now playing out on a global, cosmological scale. While the expression is "Can’t see the forest for the trees," using The Cosmic Lens will help you see the forest AND the trees.

    Get to know the fundamental systems and mystical principles that always rule the universe and thereby our planetary processes. Knowing these will let you skillfully navigate the proverbial streams, instead of swimming against the currents or building dikes or bunkers.

    Main outcomes from listening to this book include:

    • Understanding how old and new trauma can block most any progress.
    • Knowing exactly how to choose where and how you can have impact without wasting precious energy or time.
    • Having renewed hope for (grand)children, yourself, family, community, and nature.

    To galvanize our work, we interviewed 30 brilliant people that are in the trenches of environmental awareness, consulting, executive coaching science, futurism, and higher education. Their insights and original, inspiring quotes make this a very timely book.

    ©2024, 2025, 2026 Michiel Doorn and Birgit Viertlböck (P)2024 Michiel Doorn

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