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  • The Core

  • Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education
  • De : Leigh A. Bortins
  • Lu par : Laura Bos
  • Durée : 7 h et 15 min

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The Core

De : Leigh A. Bortins
Lu par : Laura Bos
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    In the past, correct spelling, the multiplication tables, the names of the state capitals and the American presidents were basics that all children were taught in school. Today, many children graduate without this essential knowledge. Most curricula today follow a haphazard sampling of topics with a focus on political correctness instead of teaching students how to study.

    Leigh Bortins, a leading figure in the homeschooling community, is having none of it. She believes that there are core areas of knowledge that are essential to master. Without knowing the multiplication tables, children can't advance to algebra. Without mastery of grammar, students will have difficulty expressing themselves. Without these essential building blocks of knowledge, students may remember information but they will never possess a broad and deep understanding of how the world works.

    In this book, Bortins gives parents the tools and methodology to implement a rigorous, thorough, and broad curriculum based on the classical model, including:

    • Rote memorization to cement knowledge
    • Systematic learning of geography, historical facts, and timelines
    • Reading the great books and seminal historical documents instead of adaptations and abridged editions
    • Rigorous training in math and the natural sciences

    ©2010 Palgrave Macmillan (P)2014 Leigh A. Bortins

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