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  • The Continuous Glucose Monitor Revolution

  • Lose Weight, Look Great, and Live Longer with Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • De : Paul Kolodzik
  • Lu par : Paul Kolodzik
  • Durée : 7 h et 52 min

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The Continuous Glucose Monitor Revolution

De : Paul Kolodzik
Lu par : Paul Kolodzik
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    Data-driven diet guidance to be healthy and feel your best.

    Have you ever heard the saying “What gets measured gets managed?” You probably have, but maybe counting calories and checking your weight every day haven’t gotten you where you want to be.

    It’s not your fault. Typical diets and even doctors’ advice don’t provide a sustainable action plan for successful weight loss. As a result, we measure the wrong things—calories in and the number on the scale. To get healthy and feel our best every day, we need to look upstream. An exciting technology allows us to do just that.

    You may have seen continuous glucose monitors on diabetics, but have you ever thought about how they could help you? A continuous glucose monitoring device, or CGM, shows how different foods affect your metabolism in real time. Specifically, a CGM tracks your blood glucose so you can adjust what you eat, how much, and when.

    Thousands of people are losing stubborn weight they never thought they could—and keeping it off—thanks to this revolutionary device that painlessly rests on the upper arm.

    In The Continuous Glucose Monitoring Revolution, weight-loss and metabolic-health specialist Paul Kolodzik, MD, reveals how CGM devices can help reverse chronic disease, prevent future sickness, and lengthen your lifespan, all by measuring and managing the right data.

    Whether you’re just now learning about CGM for the first time or you’re ready to try one, The Continuous Glucose Monitoring Revolution will help you make an informed decision, take control of your future, and easily turn healthy choices into habits.

    ©2023 Paul Kolodzik (P)2023 Paul Kolodzik

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