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Couverture de The Consultant

The Consultant

De : Seong-sun Im, An Seon Jae - translator
Lu par : Andrew Woo
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    'It's a clever book ... [Im Seong-sun] offers readers his razor-sharp observations on consumerism, capitalism and what it means to feel anonymous' M.W. Craven

    Sometimes work can be murder...

    The Consultant is very good at his job. He creates simple, elegant, effective solutions for… restructuring. Nothing obvious or messy. Certainly nothing anyone would ever suspect as murder.

    The ‘natural deaths’ he plans have always gone well: a medicine replaced here, a mechanism jammed there. His performance reviews are excellent. And it’s not as though he knows these people.

    Until his next ‘customer’ turns out to be someone he not only knows but cares about, and for the first time, he begins to question the role he plays in the vast, anonymous Company. And as he slowly begins to understand the real scope of their work, he realises just how easy it would be for the Company to arrange one more perfect murder...

    But how far will he go to escape The Company? And how far will they go to stop him?

    The electrifying first novel from award-winning Korean thriller-writer Im Seong-Sun – now in English for the first time – combines the tension of the best crime fiction with searing social criticism to present a searing take-down of global corporate life.

    ©2023 Seong-sun Im and An Seon Jae (P)2023 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


    An epic satire of society and power, The Consultant charms and shocks, luring you in to its sizzling plot with no mercy, until you're petrified of how it can possibly end. A blistering indictment of our modern world, this thriller will make you question everything. Brilliant (Eve Smith)
    An intriguing premise, cleverly executed, makes for a brilliant read. For The Consultant, a killer who never meets his victims, it all starts to go wrong when he’s told to kill someone he knows. Darkly funny, with a fascinating protagonist, it’s excellent! (Guy Morpuss, author of Five Minds and Black Lake Manor)
    Wow … Such a fresh take. Perfect murders in the imperfect world of business and power. Quietly and stylishly told. There’s an honesty in the simplicity and brutality that is enlightening and thought-provoking. I’ll be thinking about it for a while (Will Carver)
    The details and specifics of murder consulting are intriguing, and the plot propelled by its cerebral narrative and reasoning is refreshing ... it's a page turner, reminiscent of the American show, CSI. (Segye Ilbo Literary Prize Judges)

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