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Couverture de The Conductors

The Conductors

De : Nicole Glover
Lu par : Bahni Turpin
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    “A seamless blending of magic, mystery, and history … Glover’s worldbuilding, characters, and attention to historical detail create a delightfully genre-bending debut!” (Tananarive Due, American Book Award winner, author of Ghost Summer: Stories)

    From a bold new voice in speculative fiction comes a vibrant historical fantasy of magic and murder set in the aftermath of the Civil War.

    Hetty Rhodes and her husband, Benjy, were Conductors on the Underground Railroad, ferrying dozens of slaves to freedom with daring, cunning, and magic that draws its power from the constellations. With the war over, those skills find new purpose as they solve mysteries and murders that White authorities would otherwise ignore.

    In the heart of Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward, everyone knows that when there’s a strange death or magical curses causing trouble, Hetty and Benjy are the only ones who can solve the case. But when an old friend is murdered, their investigation stirs up a wasp nest of intrigue, lies, and long-buried secrets - and a mystery unlike anything they handled before. With a clever, cold-blooded killer on the prowl testing their magic and placing their lives at risk, Hetty and Benjy will discover how little they really know about their neighbors...and themselves.

    “An unforgettable debut ... Wholly original and thoroughly riveting.” (Deanna Raybourn, New York Times best-selling author of A Murderous Relation)

    ©2021 Nicole Glover (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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