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  • The Complete Guide to Morkies

  • Everything a New Dog Owner Needs to Know about the Maltese x Yorkie Dog Breed
  • De : David Anderson
  • Lu par : Lamont Mapp
  • Durée : 5 h et 46 min

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The Complete Guide to Morkies

De : David Anderson
Lu par : Lamont Mapp
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    Morkies are a crossbreed of the Maltese and the Yorkshire terrier, bringing out the best of each breed. This crossbreed might possibly be the perfect dog. It is the ideal companion dog that loves to cuddle and has the exact dose of spunk to keep you active.

    The purpose of this audiobook is to define the common characteristics of Morkies in general. You will discover your Morkie's outstanding qualities and traits, and learn how to give it the best life ever.

    This audiobook will give you a thorough background of your Morkie’s family history, which will make its personality become even more endearing.

    It will also teach you how to work with your Morkie's moldable personality and teach it to be a delightful little angel. You will learn how to create the perfect environment to teach your Morkie and how to avoid creating bad habits that will come back to haunt you later on in life.

    This comprehensive guide answers every question you may have including:

    • Is a Morkie puppy for you 
    • How to prepare your house for your Morkie puppy 
    • Potty training 
    • Obedience training 
    • How to care for your Morkie 
    • Your Morkie's dietary needs 
    • Your Morkie and its health 
    • Common behavior issues 

    This audiobook will become your go-to guide throughout your Morkie’s life, as it has helpful hints and reminders that will prove to be practical far into your Morkie’s adulthood.

    Can you raise the perfect dog?


    Your little bundle of joy will be the proof that a perfect dog does exist. It just requires some patience and love on your part to apply the helpful suggestions found in this audiobook.

    ©2018 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.

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