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Couverture de The Complete Guide to Miniature Goldendoodles

The Complete Guide to Miniature Goldendoodles

De : David Anderson
Lu par : Matthew J. Chandler-Smith
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    The Miniature Goldendoodle is an adorable combination of the Golden Retriever and Toy Poodle. A newer cross-breed, the Miniature Goldendoodle has gained widespread popularity due to its sweet temperament and adorable good looks. These cute little bundles were first intentionally bred during the 1990's. They are most commonly called Miniature Goldendoodles, but they have a few other names that are also commonly used, such as Groodles and Goldiepoos. You could also call them Goldendoodles, but these varieties are smaller than the average Goldendoodle.

    The Complete Guide to Miniature Goldendoodles is written for the busy new owner who needs to quickly and easily learn everything they need to know as they embark on their ownership journey. This comprehensive guide answers every question you may have including:

    • Is a Miniature Goldendoodle the right dog for me?
    • I brought my Mini Goldendoodle home. What now?
    • How can I best train my Mini Goldendoodle?
    • What are some common mistakes should I avoid?

    Be prepared for your new puppy, and all the challenges that come along with owning a Miniature Goldendoodle. This audiobook will take you on a step-by-step journey and walk you through virtually everything you'll need to know as a new owner, including:

    • Breed History and Characteristics 
    • The Ideal Mini Goldendoodle Home 
    • Finding Your Miniature Goldendoodle: Breeder or Rescue? 
    • Preparing for Your Puppy 
    • The First Week 
    • The First Month 
    • Housetraining 
    • Socialization and Experience 
    • Being a Puppy Parent 
    • Living with other dogs 
    • Training You Mini Goldendoodle Puppy 
    • Basic Commands 
    • Miniature Goldendoodle Nutrition 
    • Grooming - Productive Bonding 
    • Basic Health Care 
    • Health Concerns 
    • Your Aging Miniature Goldendoodle

    With the arrival of your Miniature Goldendoodle, everything in your personal life is going to be different. These dogs are more than happy to integrate into your family as quickly and seamlessly as possible. They will pay attention to everything you do and will try to find a way to make you happy, whether through cuddling or playing. Puppies are a bit more of a challenge, but even they want to be with you as much as possible. Time is going to fly by, and before you know it your puppy or young dog is going to be a full-fledged member of your family, going everywhere you go. You probably won’t even notice how quickly your dog becomes an integral part of your family.

    Owning a Miniature Goldendoodle can be one of the greatest experiences in life. Their joyous personalities and sweet nature make them a joy to live with. Use this guide to help you avoid all the common mistakes a first time Mini Goldendoodle owner might make. Can you raise a perfect pup? You can certainly try, and this audiobook will help you along your journey.

    ©2019 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.


    "I just received my copy of The Complete Guide to Miniature Goldendoodles....Very nice! I plan to give these out to each of my clients who purchase our Doodles. Thanks again and Good job on the book!" (Pat Morgan - Sunflower Farms Mini Golden Doodles)

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