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  • The Complete Guide to Miniature Dachshunds

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Successfully Raising Your New Miniature Dachshund
  • De : David Anderson
  • Lu par : Kristen Kallen-Keck
  • Durée : 4 h et 14 min

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The Complete Guide to Miniature Dachshunds

De : David Anderson
Lu par : Kristen Kallen-Keck
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    The Complete Guide to Miniature Dachshunds covers everything you need to know about raising a miniature dachshund. From choosing a new puppy to senior dog care, this book touches on it all. Whether you’re planning on bringing home a new miniature dachshund or looking for some tips to help you care for your dog, this audiobook can help you figure out what you need to do.

    These dogs have a goofy personality to match their goofy appearance. With tiny legs and a long body, they’ll be sure to attract a lot of attention on walks. The long ears and big feet on these sausage dogs complete their adorable look. Not only do they look a little silly, but they act the part as well. Miniature dachshunds are a constant source of entertainment for their owners. 

    This comprehensive guide answers every question you may have, including:

    • Is a miniature dachshund right for me?
    • What do I do now that I've brought home my new dog?
    • How can I best train my mini dachshund?
    • What common mistakes should I avoid?

    Be prepared for your new pup, and all the challenges that come along with owning a miniature dachshund. This audiobook will take you on a step-by-step journey and walk you through virtually everything you'll need to know as a new owner, through chapters like:

    • Miniature Dachshund History and Characteristics
    • Preparing Your Home for Your Miniature Dachshund 
    • Bringing Home Your Miniature Dachshund
    • Being a Puppy Parent
    • Housetraining
    • Socializing with People and Animals
    • Miniature Dachshunds and Your Other Pets
    • Training Your Miniature Dachshund
    • Basic Commands
    • Dealing with Unwanted Behaviors
    • Traveling with Miniature Dachshunds
    • Nutrition
    • Grooming Your Miniature Dachshund
    • Basic Health Care
    • Advanced Miniature Dachshund Health
    • Life with an Aging Miniature Dachshund

    If you’re ready to take on the challenges and joys of owning a miniature dachshund, then this is the book you need.

    The road to being a great puppy parent is a long and difficult one, but this road map can help you navigate all the twist and turns as you start the most amazing journey of your life!

    ©2018 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.

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