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  • The Complete Guide to Maltipoos

  • Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Your Maltipoo Dog
  • De : David Anderson
  • Lu par : Lamont Mapp
  • Durée : 5 h et 25 min

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The Complete Guide to Maltipoos

De : David Anderson
Lu par : Lamont Mapp
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    Maltipoos are a bundle of perfection, combining the right amount of personality, spunk, cuteness, and energy. Even with all of that personality, they love a good cuddle on your lap. Maltipoos are considered to be an ideal companion dog.

    In this audiobook, you will learn how you can work with your Maltipoo’s moldable personality and teach it to be a well-behaved angel. You will learn how to create the perfect environment to teach your Maltipoo and how to avoid creating bad habits that will come back to haunt you later on in life.

    This comprehensive guide answers every question you may have, including:

    • Is a Maltipoo right for me?
    • What do I do, now that I've brought home my Maltipoo?
    • How can I best train my Maltipoo?
    • What common mistakes should I avoid?

    Be prepared for your new pup and all the challenges that come along with owning a Maltipoo. This audiobook will take you on a step-by-step journey and walk you through virtually everything you'll need to know as a new Maltipoo owner, including:

    • The traits of the poodle and Maltese combined into one
    • The ideal home for a Maltipoo
    • Pros and cons of having a Maltipoo
    • Ways to puppy-proof your home
    • Ways to be prepared from day one
    • Methods to potty train your Maltipoo
    • Steps to teach with love, not fear
    • D.I.Y. Maltipoo grooming
    • Daily nutritional needs
    • Steps for being a great puppy parent
    • Maltipoos and their health
    • Ways to stop your Maltipoo from having bad habits
    • Socializing with other dogs
    • Health concerns with Maltipoos

    Can you raise the perfect Maltipoo puppy? Absolutely! Your little bundle of joy will be the proof that a perfect dog does exist. It just requires some patience and love on your part to apply the helpful suggestions found in this audiobook.

    ©2018 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.

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