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  • The Complete Guide to Cavachons

  • Choosing, Training, Teaching, Feeding, and Loving Your Cavachon Dog
  • De : David Anderson
  • Lu par : Damon Gaynor
  • Durée : 3 h et 12 min

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The Complete Guide to Cavachons

De : David Anderson
Lu par : Damon Gaynor
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    Learn everything you need to know about bringing home your new Cavachon. Sections include:

    • Introduction to Cavachons 
    • Breed history and Characteristics 
    • Choosing the right Cavachon
    • Bringing home your Cavachon 
    • The first week with your Cavachon 
    • Housetraining 
    • Socializing with people and animals 
    • Cavachons and your other pets 
    • Training your Cavachon 
    • Basic commands 
    • Nutrition 
    • Grooming your Cavachon 
    • Basic health care 
    • Advanced Cavachon health and aging dog care 

    Cavachons are a popular new cross breed that can make a nearly perfect companion. Both of their parent breeds, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise, are well-loved because of how personable and cute they are. Given how friendly and snuggly their parents are, it is no surprise that the Cavachon is an ardent cuddle pup that loves little more than to be with the family. With their small stature, they make an incredibly versatile dog that fits into any environment with ease. If you have a small home and want a dog that can easily be accommodated within a limited space, the Cavachon is perfect.

    When you are sitting down and enjoying your favorite TV show, your Cavachon will happily cuddle up on your lap. Petting your pup will become a secondary reaction to sitting, and it can be very relaxing. This is one reason why Cavachons also make great therapy dogs. They tend to love everyone, and their happy energy is more sedate than other small dogs. This does not mean they don’t love adventure - they just appreciate relaxing with you because being with you is what makes them happiest.

    If you are the more adventurous type, the Cavachon is still a great dog to have because they are so curious. With their intelligence, they will be more than happy to go out hiking with you.

    As you begin your journey toward Cavachon ownership, let this audiobook guide you along in the process. It will help you prepare from the very beginning stages of choosing your Cavachon, to bringing it home, training, socializing, feeding, and even growing old with your Cavachon.

    ©2018 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.

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