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The Complete Guide to Alaskan Malamutes

De : Jordan Honeycutt, Coreen Martineau
Lu par : Sarah Jessica Rhodes
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    For a new Malamute owner, trying to find, raise, and train your dog all by yourself is often a scary and daunting process. However, with the right knowledge, owning this wonderful breed can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. That’s where we come in. 

    In The Complete Guide to Alaskan Malamutes you’ll learn everything from finding the right breeder, preparing your family and home, what to expect in the first days and weeks with your new Malamute, to handling housebreaking and training your new puppy. This guide also covers Malamute health care, grooming, training, behavior problems, and how to properly socialize your Malamute. It’s all here. 

    This book answers all the most common questions (and many you didn’t even know to ask!) a new Malamute owner will face, such as: 

    • How do I find a good breeder and what sort of questions should I ask them?
    • How do I pick the perfect Malamute for my lifestyle out of the litter?
    • How do I prevent my Malamute from constantly pulling during walks?
    • How do I best handle correcting my dogs behaviors?
    • Why does my Malamute sometimes growl and how do I stop it from happening?
    • How do I get my Malamute used to being around other dogs?
    • How do I exercise my Malamute enough to prevent them from becoming bored and destructive?

    This detailed and comprehensive guide to Alaskan Malamutes will walk you safely and step-by-step through the trials and tribulations of the first-time Malamute owner. By the end you will have a happy, healthy, polite and well-mannered dog that you can be proud to call yours, and who will bring countless joys and unwavering love, loyalty, and devotion into your life.

    ©2020 LP Media Inc. (P)2020 LP Media Inc.

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