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The Complete Book of Grant Writing

De : Nancy Burke Smith, E. Gabriel Works
Lu par : Douglas James
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    Learn how to write grants that win funding fast!

    The Complete Book of Grant Writing is the ultimate grant book that shows you how to write a grant proposal if you're seeking funding through government grants, foundation grants, and specialty grants. Grant proposal writing is an intricate process where any bits of misinformation or formatting errors can mean the difference between securing funding or not. Professional grant writer Nancy Burke Smith and philanthropy consultant and grant maker E. Gabriel Works unveil the secrets behind how to find and successfully apply for grants.

    Topics include:

    • The five core components of every grant, including the statement of need, the evaluation plan, and budgets
    • What makes a grant compelling to funders
    • What to do when you are funded—and actions you can take if you are denied funding
    • How to become a professional grant writer
    • The grant writing timetable, from responding to requests for proposals to receiving funding
    • Grant writing in different fields of nonprofit practice, including educational, governmental, environmental, and faith-based organizations

    Packed with 20 samples to show you exactly how to get started, including full grant proposals, letters of inquiry, support letters, concept papers, and more!

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2012 Nancy Burke Smith and E. Gabriel Works (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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