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  • The Coming Greater Depression: How to Prepare for the Worst Economic Crisis of All Time.

  • Inflation Trades, Book 1
  • De : Nate Plissken
  • Lu par : john fiore
  • Durée : 36 min

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Couverture de The Coming Greater Depression: How to Prepare for the Worst Economic Crisis of All Time.

The Coming Greater Depression: How to Prepare for the Worst Economic Crisis of All Time.

De : Nate Plissken
Lu par : john fiore
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    Updated: 2022 Edition.

    The Greater Depression is what is looming ahead of the World and specifically the United States of America. Nate Plissken delves into the causes of the U.S. Dollar Currency Crisis. Citing experts in business and economics, he pulls back the curtain on The Fed.

    The Federal Reserve System, Robert Kiyosaki called: "A communist organization!" How the Fed in full cooperation with our politicians is debasing our currency. Why The Fed's way of fixing the problem is causing the problem.

    * How to Prepare and Prosper.

    * What Investments are Crash Proof!

    * Is Capitalism to be blamed?

    * Is Bitcoin the new Gold?

    * Can The Fed and our politicians save us from this crisis?

    ©2020,2022 Nate Pllssken (P)2024 Nate Plissken

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