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  • The Comfy Cozy Witch’s Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life

  • De : Jennie Blonde
  • Durée : 12 h

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The Comfy Cozy Witch’s Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life

De : Jennie Blonde
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    From the host of the beloved podcast The Comfy Cozy Witch comes an accessible two-color illustrated guide resonant with cozy fall vibes, featuring spells, recipes, meditations, and practices to bring good magic into your daily life.

    “Jennie Blonde is one of the leading voices in witchcraft. She shows that it can be the warm and comforting hug you need the most.”—Amanda Lovelace, New York Times bestselling author of The Princess Saves Herself in This One

    Whether you’re a novice curious about witchcraft but aren’t sure where to start, or a seasoned witch interested in deepening your practice, this warm, accessible, and nurturing interactive guide shows you the way. The Comfy Cozy Witch’s Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life combines the practical charm of The Little Book of Hygge with the down to earth wisdom of The Spell Book for New Witches and the practical advice of Grimoire Girl, Drawn from decades of popular podcaster Jennie Blonde’s experience, she shares seven tenets to help you begin and develop your own authentic practice:

    • Acceptance: gentle exercises to reflect on our past journeys
    • Simplicity: meditations to ground us in the present
    • Balance: self-care practices, like candle magic, to replenish our inner selves
    • Delight: practices to find joy in community
    • Warmth: building a cozy practice space
    • Reflection: journal prompts to help us stay centered
    • Intuition: learning to listen to ourselves and connect to our guides

    This beautifully designed book—filled with spell craft exercises, magical journaling prompts, delicious recipes, and do-it-yourself tips for the home and garden–has everything necessary to develop a witchcraft practice built on magical authenticity, comfort, and self-care.

    ©2024 Jennie Blonde (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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