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Couverture de The Color of Fear [Dramatized Adaptation]

The Color of Fear [Dramatized Adaptation]

De : Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Lu par : full cast, Christopher Graybill, Terence Aselford, Nanette Savard, Richard Rohan, Thomas Penny, Jeff Baker, David Coyne, Ken Jackson, Casey Jones, Cate Torre, Christopher Walker
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    When a diabolical superfoe acquires a superlaser that uses hypercolor to control emotion, he throws the world into a kaleidoscope of deadly mood swings. CURE goes on red alert.

    And if things aren't black enough, a rival nation has seen the mind-blowing potential of beaming mood-altering color from satellites...and rendering entire nations defenseless.

    Color them crazy, but Remo and Chiun know they've got to thwart this bizarre color scheme. More than ever before they must rely on their sensory skills honed to razor sharpness - because the Destroyer is going to catch the enemy blindfolded.

    Performed by Christopher Graybill, Terence Aselford, Nanette Savard, Richard Rohan, Thomas Penny, Jeff Baker, David Coyne, Ken Jackson, Casey Jones, Cate Torre, Christopher Walker, James Konicek, Dan Sondak, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby.

    ©1995 Warren Murphy (P)2006 Graphic Audio, LLC

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