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Couverture de The Cocktail Parlor

The Cocktail Parlor

De : Nicola Nice, Robert Simonson - Foreword by
Lu par : Allyson Voller
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    Meet the hostesses who have shaped cocktail history, and learn how to make the drinks they loved.

    Throughout American history, women have helped propel what we know as classic cocktails—the Martini, the Manhattan, the Old-Fashioned, and more—into popular culture. But, often excluded from private clubs, women exercised this influence from the home, in their cocktail parlors. In The Cocktail Parlor, Dr. Nicola Nice, sociologist and spirits entrepreneur, gives women their long-overdue spotlight in cocktail history and shows how they still impact cocktail culture today.

    Journeying through the decades, this book profiles a diverse array of influential hostesses. With each historic era comes iconic recipes, featuring a total of forty main cocktails and more than 100 variations that listeners can make at home. Whether its happy hour punch a la Martha Washington or a Harlem Renaissance-inspired Green Skirt, listeners will find that many of the ingredients and drinks they're familiar with today wouldn't be here without the hostesses who served them first.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Nicola Nice; Foreword copyright 2024 by Robert Simonson (P)2024 Tantor

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