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Couverture de The Clovis Dig

The Clovis Dig

De : Teri Fink
Lu par : Kelly Dugger
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    When a shocking discovery is found among ancient artifacts during an archaeological dig in an orchard, an investigation of a different kind begins. Orchardist Claire Courtney must decide who to trust as she desperately tries to salvage what’s left of her livelihood and her life.

    Winner: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Summer 2021 - Best Literary Fiction

    Top 5 Finalist: The Kindle Book Review 2021 - Best Literary Fiction

    Amidst the beauty of the Wenatchee Valley at the feet of the Cascade Mountains, apple orchardist Claire Courtney struggles to make a living.

    When strange and ancient artifacts are discovered beneath her land, Claire wonders whether the ensuing archaeological dig will save her, or be the final blow in her struggle to hang on to her home and livelihood. To make matters worse, conflict between the archaeologists on the dig - Joe Running from the west, and Spencer Grant from the east - threatens the entire project.

    This multicultural novel brings together Native Americans, Latinos, and migrant workers from the American South to grapple over ownership of what lies beneath the earth.

    Evolved Publishing presents a literary fiction piece from the award-winning author of Invisible by Day.

    Books by Teri Fink:

    • Invisible by Day
    • The Clovis Dig

    More great literary fiction from Evolved Publishing:

    • Hannah’s Voice and Carry Me Away by Robb Grindstaff
    • Journey of Cornelia Rose series by J.F. Collen
    • The Tormenting Beauty of Empathy by Richard Robbins
    • Indivisible by Julia Camp
    • Deep Mud by Ty Spencer Vossler
    ©2021 Evolved Publishing LLC (P)2021 Evolved Publishing LLC


    “Given the sheer volume of literature produced each year, it can sometimes be hard to find true works of such striking excellence as this tiny gem of a book.... The voices that spring out of every page seem to come from the mist of time and the furthest reaches of the human experience.... The book has some of the most creative and fully fleshed-out characters in modern fiction.” (US Review of Books)

    “Fink has impressive command over the many swirling elements of her well-plotted novel.... The characterizations are strong, but the author has the ability to make the unique setting as important as the people. Archaeology and murder mix in this smart, picturesque novel that’s steeped in local culture.” (Kirkus Reviews)

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