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Couverture de The Classroom Cat

The Classroom Cat

De : Pamela Butchart
Lu par : Ashley Storrie
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    Laugh-out-loud school-based fun from the incomparable Pamela Butchart, read by Ashley Storrie, Scottish comedian, actress, and BBC Radio Scotland host. Perfect for encouraging independent learning!

    Life at Wigglesbottom Primary is often lived on the edge. Is the Classroom Cat trying to tell them something! YES! Can eating a puddle crisp make you ill? YES! Can Class 2R cure PUDDLE-POX? Is Imaginary Margaret a bit of a prankster? YES! So what are Class 2R going to do about it all? HAVE A LOT OF FUN!

    Three short stories hilariously narrated by Ashley Storrie keep young listeners engaged and perfectly bridge the gap between picture books and chapter books.

    Written by the bestselling, Blue Peter award-winning author Pamela Butchart.

    Look out for all the Wigglesbottom titles!

    The Toilet Ghost

    The Shark in the Pool

    The Magic Hamster

    Super Dog

    The Break-Time Bunnies

    Dino Chick

    The Talking Lamb

    The Sports Day Chicken

    ©2019 Pamela Butchart (P)2024 Nosy Crow

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